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Korean Words related to Religion

Korean Words Related to Religion

The following are the Korean words related to religion. The four major religions in Singapore- Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism in the Korean language are written as follows. The Korean letter ‘교 [gyo]’ came from the Chinese letter 教 which means religion. Every name of religion ends with ‘교’ in Korean words. Religion, being the institution of teaching, ends with “교” 教 in the Korean language

Religions in Korean Language

korean words related to religion

  • Religion is written as ‘종교’ and read as [chong-gyo] in Korean
  • Buddhism is written as ‘불교’ and read as [pool-gyo] in Korean
  • Christianity is written as ‘기독교’ and read as [kee-dok-gyo] in Korean
  • Islam is written as ‘이슬람교’ and read as [yee-seul-lam-gyo] in Korean
  • Hinduism is written as ‘힌두교’ and read as [heen-doo-gyo] in Korean

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