Korean words related to going out – 出(출)
The following are the Korean words related to “Going out”, like ‘exit’, ‘going out of the country’, ‘going to work’, ‘business trip’, and ‘going out’ in the Korean language.
The common letter ‘출 [ch’ool]’ came from the Chinese letter 出 which means “going out”. There are many more Korean words with ‘출’ but these are very basic words using common.
‘exit’ in Korean
‘going out of country’ in Korean
‘going to work’ in Korean
‘business trip’ in Korean
‘going out’ in Korean
Many Korean words are related to Chinese characters which may be easier for some of you to memorise.
Refer to ‘[ ]’ for pronunciation.
*Although the Korean language uses Chinese characters, it does not mean the same vocabulary is always used in Mandarin with the same meaning.
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