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Free Korean Fonts!- 한글날기념 무료폰트

Hangul Day, 9th October

King Sejong published the first script of Korean Alphabet, which was later called as Hangul, the Korean Alphabet. Therefore, Koreans celebrate Hangul day on 9th October annually to commemorate King Sejong’s invention of Hangul. Additionally, Korean corporations release free Korean fonts in the limited time to commemorate the greatest historical event of the country. This is an annual opportunity where you can get stylish free Korean fonts that are popular in Korea at no cost! So here is the list of fonts released from 2019 and 2022.

korean free fonts

If you don’t know about Hangul, the Korean alphabet, you can learn it with our hangul learning app.

Or apply for a class  to learn Korean alphabet and the Korean language from Korean native teacher for the world of Korean culture.


Free Korean Fonts you can download

예스체 - Yes24 font

Yes24 is one of the most popular online bookstores in Korea.

To download Yes24 font, click HERE

Korean font yes24

If you are frequent in Korean language, how about to check your Korean level. 
Try free Korean language test.

쿠키런 글꼴 - CookieRun font - Typeface

To download, click HERE.

More than physical lesson using more efficient learning materials.

Conversation and communication are as usual.

Korean font cookie run

넥슨 레벨1 고딕체 - Nexon Font - Level.1 Gothic

Nexon is a Korean video game publisher that specializes in online games for PC and mobile.

To download, click HERE

Korean font nexon level1

빙그레 메로나체 - Binggrae Melona Font

To download, click HERE

Korean font melona

독립서체 - Handwritten Fonts by Korean Independence Fighters

To view more, click HERE

Yoon, Dong ju is a national poet and independence activist who left over 100 poems expressing the desire for independence and deep introspection.

Not a just Korean. 
Our teachers are experienced and specialised in teaching Korean.
They are selected from hundreds of applicants.

Korean font dongju

Tips for downloading on Korean websites

Don’t be fearful if you don’t understand the Korean on the websites!
You just have to know a few words for the successful download of fonts.

download in Korean

"다운로드" means "download"

install in Korean

"설치하기" means "install"

for windows in Korean

"윈도우용" means "for Windows"

''맥용" means for "for Mac"

More free Korean fonts

Want to use these wonderful free Korean fonts but do not know how to write Korean?

Apply for a free trial lesson or join our interactive and interesting Korean class
Hangul is easy because King Sejong created it for anyone to learn even in the olden days. Contact us for your enquiry.

Read also

Seoul Korean Language Centre Singapore

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