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10 Korean Words Related to Place – 장소 (场所)

10 Korean words related to place

Many Korean words are derived from Chinese characters. Hence, Chinese speakers have the advantage of learning Korean vocabulary. Here are 10 Korean words related to places.  ‘Mountain’, ‘zoo’, ‘factory’, ‘library’, ‘bank’, ‘restaurant’, ‘market’, ‘park’, ‘museum’ and ‘bookstore’ in Korean.
These are 10 basic words using common. If you learn more, try to learn Korean using our online Korean word practice program related to the place.

Mountain, zoo, factory, library, bank in Korean
mountain, zoo, factory, library, bank in Korean

  • Mountain is written as ‘산’ and read as [san] in Korean
  • Zoo is written as ‘동물원’ and read as [tong-mool-won] in Korean
  • Factory is written as ‘공장’ and read as [kong-chang] in Korean
  • Library is written as ‘도서관’ and read as [toh-suh-kwan] in Korean
  • Bank is written as ‘은행’ and read as [eun-haeng] in Korean

Restaurant, markets, parks, museums, and bookstores in Korean

restaurant, market, park, museum, bookstore in Korean

  • Restaurant is written as ‘식당’ and read as [sheek-tang] in Korean
  • Market is written as ‘시장’ and read as [shee-chang] in Korean
  • Park is written as ‘공원’ and read as [kong-won] in Korean
  • Museum is written as ‘박물관’ and read as [pak-mool-kwan] in Korean
  • Bookstore is written as ‘서점’ and read as [suh-chum] in Korean

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