How to write on WONGOJI Paper for TOPIK II Essay
-8 TOPIK Wongoji writing rules
Many students study so hard on the Korean Grammars but still be penalised in TOPIK II Essay writing because they don’t keep Rule No.0: The Wongoji (grid-square paper) Writing Rules. Read below to find out how to write an essay in Korean. The Wongoji Rules are simpler than grammar rules! Just follow these 8 TOPIK Wongoji writing rules. It’s a pity if you lose marks for something easy but you have never taken note of. Keep this rule when you take the TOPIK test in the writing section.
Writing Rule No.1
1. 한 칸에 한 자를 씁니다. 띄어쓰기 할 때는 칸을 비웁니다.
Write one complete Hangeul character in one box. Leave a box blank for spacing!
Writing Rule No.2
2. 숫자는 한 칸에 두 자를 씁니다.
Write 2 digits in one box. You may write only one digit per box if it’s single. If it’s 3 digits (eg:101), write two digits in a box and 1 digit in a box.
Writing Rule No.3
3. 문장부호는 한 칸에 하나 씁니다.
Write one punctuation mark per box.
Writing Rule No.4
4. 온점, 반점, 쌍점, 쌍반점 뒤에는 칸을 비우지 않습니다.
There should be no blank box after a full stop, comma, colon and semicolon
Writing Rule No.5
5. 물음표, 느낌표 다음에는 한 칸을 비웁니다.
Leave the next box blank after a question mark and exclamation mark.
Writing Rule No.6
6. 문장부호를 찍을 칸이 없을 때는 글자와 함께 씁니다.
Write the last character and punctuation mark in the same box together if there is no available box in the same line. No punctuation mark should occupy the first box of the line.
Writing Rule No.7
7. 줄임표는 두 칸에 씁니다.
Write the ellipses in two boxes. Fill each box with 3 dots.
Wongoji Writing Rule No.8
8a. 문단이 바뀔 때는 첫 칸을 비웁니다.
Leave the first box blank for every paragraph.
8b. 그리고 모두 첫 칸을 씁니다.
Subsequently, fill in the first box for the rest of the lines of the paragraph with characters (refer to rule no.6).
That’s all of TOPIK guide for Wongoji writing! Rules less than the number of your fingers. Knowing how to write on Wongoji is a prerequisite in TOPIK II Essay writing. Happy writing to you all!
TOPIKII Writing Paper Available!
Click here to download the Wongoji Korean Writing Paper.
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