Korean words derived from English – Electronics
The following are Korean words derived from English especially related to electronics, like the ‘earphone’, ‘computer’, ‘television’, ‘handphone’, and ‘Air conditioner’ in Korean.
There are many more Korean words derived from English. These are very basic words related to electronics. If you learn more, try to learn Korean using our online Korean word practice program.
- Earphones – 이어폰 [ee-uh-pon]
- Computer – 컴퓨터 [kum-pyoo-tuh]
- Television – 텔레비전 [tel-leh-pee-chun]
- Handphone – 핸드폰 [hen-teu-pon]
- Air-conditioner – 에어컨 [eh-uh-kun]
Not surprisingly, in South Korea, a handsome amount of electronic names have been adopted from English. Besides these, there are 해드폰 (headphones), 키보드 (keyboard), 태블릿 (tablet) and etc…
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